Saturday, December 28, 2019

The 5 Worst Bosses in Human History

The 5 Worst Bosses in Human HistoryThe 5 Worst Bosses in Human HistorySome bosses give their employees a really hard time. For the ones weve picked for you today, this would be a serious understatement. These horrible bosses are a pure nightmare.Theres been a lot of debate on whether its better when yur boss is a friend to you, or when theyre an authority you should fear. Its only natural that the boss needs to be a little bossy but whats over the line?Constructive criticism is good and is meant to motivate the employee to do their job better, but targeted, unjustified critique only to put the employee down as much as possible can do the very opposite. Showing whos the boss here and invoking fear is a usual practice how bosses try to make their employees work harder and gain their loyalty. But this concept might not always work.Some bosses just enjoy being nasty, despotic and reproaching their employees for every little trifle. Take Gordon Ramsay for example hes a genius chef, theres no doubt about it. But were guessing theres an uncountable number of people who still wake up in the middle of the night seeing his enraged face showering them with F words and most creative insults such as Youre an idiot sandwich. Check our infographics to discover more of the worst bosses in history. We guarantee you wouldnt want to be working under these bulliesIs your boss a douchebag? Create perfect resume and change your job Check out ourUltimate Guide to a Killer ResumeShare Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Monday, December 23, 2019

5 choices that damage your professional reputation

5 choices that damage your professional reputation5 choices that damage your professional reputationBefore you clicked on this article, think about how many choices you made to wake up, open your computer, connect to WiFi, open a browser (or your email), decide to read a headline, then click on it and here you are. It might seem a bit absurd, but it is estimated adults make around 35,000 decisions every single day. (Are you tired just reading that stat? We are) Though most of those are subconscious and dont require deep consideration, other ones require your attention and intelligence.After all, choices regarding your career influence your perceived character, your trajectory, and your future pursuits. As career branding expert Wendi Weiner explains, while it takes years to build your name, you can destroy it within seconds.Your professional reputation is important, inside and outside of your career industry, because it can affect your ability to maintain and get a job, and it can a ffect how professionals in your industry view you, she continues. What others say about you when you are elend around, especially about you professionally, can make you or break you.Here are some judgements to make smartly since, hey, like it or not - the world is watchingPosting inappropriate (or questionable) photos or posts onlineThe growing importance of social media is a double-edged sword having a presence is essential to remain modern and relevant, but what you post can backfire. Weiner says social media is compromising our privacy - and very easily - our professional image, making it a way to advance us and harm us.One foolish mistake like a callous response on social media, or an improper post, can cause things to spiral out of control and damage your professional reputation, she explains. When you are in the limelight as a rising advanced professional, you are held to a higher standard and mora susceptible to harsh criticism, including downright negative comments.Does t his mean you should censor yourself? Not exactly - but you should think before you post on who might be offended, what message youre sending, and the possible ramifications. As a general rule, Weiner says to try to avoid commenting on political posts or engaging in social media wars with others. If you do want to take part? Make yourself private - and be extra selective about who you accept.Not keeping your promisesTo get promoted, earn respect and become a trustworthy member of any team, career expert and entrepreneur Christopher Kingman says your word is your best defense. This means when you say youll deliver on something, you consistently do, without fail. If you dont meet deadlines, fall short on the quality of work, and overall, miss every mark your manager sets for you, Kingman says you create the perception you are under-skilled, inept or over-confident.Combine this with over-committing to work, and youll have the reputation of someone who is effectively useless. Worst of all, this is easily avoidable. If you are not 100% sure you can deliver, or produce what people are looking for, let them know, he recommends. Sure, they may be disappointed momentarily, but in the long run your reputation will benefit from your honesty.Participating in illegal behaviorThis is likely a no-brainer but remember If you get arrested or caught for participating in any illegal altercations or activities, youre not only risking your career - but your social standing, too. While Weiner says this heavily depends on the severity of the crime and your industry, treading on the right side of the law is always the smarter solution. Be transparent and honest, always. Think before you act. Always look to the future of your consequences and avoid bad behavior, she adds.Being professionally selfishUnless youre a one-person solopreneur show, a large part of career achievement is finding a way to not only mesh well with others but propel your coworkers, too. In the workforce, the mor e you illustrate your ability to compromise, problem-solve and well, cheerlead, the more valuable of an employee you become, Kingman notes. Those who fall on the other end of the spectrum and continuous put themselves before anything or anyone else? They dont win the marathon.Individuals who are largely self-motivated or known to play sekretariat politics often are selfish. Often, these individuals are the first to take the credit and always displace the blame, he explains. When you are known for this in your company, your reputation is tarnished. We all have ambitions to succeed and climb the ladder, but if its commonly known you will do it at the expense of your peers, people will avoid you at all costs.Acting out in publicSo, youre always on top of your game and buttoned-up when youre confined to the office walls - but what about after you leave? If you tend to be hot-headed, lose your temper or lack the ability to bite your tongue, your reputation might be at risk, according to Weiner.Though it might not seem like it should matter if youre not technically on the clock, anyone can pull out a smartphone and record your behavior, splash it online - and well? Your manager will likely find out.We see people quickly uploading photos of others acting improperly in public cursing out Uber drivers, getting into altercations on airplanes, and even engaging in road rage, she explains. The upload feature has had grave consequences for many laypersons, so be cautious about your behavior in public. Try to avoid confrontations, and try to be the bigger person.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

11 Life Lessons Every Professional Should Know (Before Its Too Late)

11 Life Lessons Every Professional Should Know (Before Its Too Late)11 Life Lessons Every Professional Should Know (Before Its Too Late)80,000 hurs. Thats how long you can expect to work over the course of your lifetime. Im personally well on my way, approaching the 35,000-hour mark by now.Ive had a long and winding career path. First, in the accounting department of an airline. Then, at an investment bank. Finally, I spent about 14 years at Microsoft. Now, Im an entrepreneur and career coach.Over the years, Ive learned a lot about how work can impact life, and vice versa. Ive seen what helps me get ahead, and what holds me back. Ive learned what to do, and what notlage to do.If I could turn back time, there are plenty of things I would have done differently. Here are 11 things I wish I knew when I first started working (that youre not too late to pick up).1. Be an Outstanding CommunicatorLots of people are smart. If you made it into a career you love, chances are youre smart, too. B eing intelligent isnt enough. Your ability to communicate is a massive factor in your career success. The top people in a company are rarely just the smartest- they also know how to present themselves well.Learn how to communicate- through writing and performing. Find out how to introduce complex ideas and arguments, and dont fear (but invite) feedback. Not sure where to start? Join Toastmasters, or even better, volunteer a toast at the next wedding you attend (I did this twice brde year). Pitch an idea for a local Ignite or TED-style gathering (Ive also done this). There are countless opportunities to practice and improve your communication skills.2. Dont Let Perfect Get in the Way of GreatTheres a phrase in business, Go ugly early. Its directed at innovators trying to make products that can jump across the chasm that separates winners from losers. In the tech industry, an MVP (or minimum viable product) is often an initial stop in the quest for product/market/fit. An MVP is a way to get a product out the door, gather feedback, and perfect it over time.Similarly, whatever youre doing, strive to be great, but know that the first step is getting out there and making something happen, and, even if you fail, learning from the experience.3. Get StrongNot into working out? Confused about why I would include this in a list of work-related advice?All the hours sitting in your office will take its toll on your body. Exercise is the antidote. Lifting heavy weights will force you to learn proper posture (or else youll injure yourself later on). Being active will keep your stress levels down. Commit to getting strong and being healthy and witness the positive spillover effect at your job.4. Learn How to Set BoundariesThere is an infinite amount of work to do. Learn to stop tasks and projects even if they arent complete so you can leave the office on time. Dont check your email after hours or on weekends. Avoid multitasking (its a myth, anyway). Work hard when you need to and cultivate the discernment to know when to shut off.Build this habit early in your career, and it can help you get more done in less time, save your relationships, and, honestly, just keep you sane.5. Become an Early RiserI dont care if you think youre a night owl. You can learn any habit, including the habit of being an early riser. I have yet to meet a productive and successful person who doesnt get going early in the day.Strive to join the 5 AM club, or at least the 6 or 7 AM club. Youll be more productive and able to work in peace for at least a couple of hours without the demands of the world creeping in.6. Save as Much as Possible Early in Your CareerCommit to saving a good portion of your income over time, at least 20% and up to 50% of your take-home pay. Sound crazy? Its not. Ive done it for my entire career. The reason to save a high percentage of your salary is the freedom it affords later in life. Save a ton and live a simple life. Saving a lot doesnt mean you need to be boring- read the next item for more on that.7. Spend Freely on Only a Few Things You LoveDecide on what makes you happy and spend freely on those things. Science has proven that spending money on experiences is better than spending money on things. Yet, if you love certain things (like you cant pull yourself away from fancy clothing), spend freely on them. Just be sure to save ruthlessly on everything else.8. Use All Your Vacation DaysMy former co-workers and I never used all of our time off. It seemed like a badge of courage- we loved the stigma of being seen as hard workers.Turns out we were all wrong.Taking vacation is important. People who take breaks end up doing better work, and those breaks are given to you.It also demonstrates confidence- confident people dont play games to prove how capable they are. And if you use your vacation to gather new experiences, youll come back to work with fresh perspectives.9. Master a HobbyI love to practice yoga and would often go to a yog a studio five to six days a week while I was working. After almost seven years of practice, I decided to take the leap and become a teacher.I ended up teaching over 500 classes. I learned how to conduct workshops. I taught complete beginners and other master-level yoga teachers. I even played a supporting role in a yoga DVDIt was a wonderful experience, and gave me a strong identity outside of my day job. I found new groups of friends. I discovered new ways to spend my free time, and even met my future wife through my studio.My hobby also made me a better- a.k.a., happier and healthier- worker.Find a hobby and cultivate it. Youll become a more interesting person, and perform better at your job.10. Build a Broad Network of FriendsNetworking events and superficial business deals arent all that useful. Whats crucial is building up a strong network of authentic friendships and relationships.Its no surprise that the best jobs and careers come not through applications and shuffling around resumes, but through trust between humans and word-of-mouth referrals.For example, while I worked at my last company for almost 14 years, I had five distinct jobs. Each position change happened because someone was willing to bet that I could do the job better than anyone else. In most cases, I wasnt the most qualified person (based on my resume), and yet I got the position anyway.Challenge yourself to forge new bonds. Instead of networking, aspire to connect to people.11. Do What Makes You HappyIs the meaning of life to be happy? I believe so.The tricky thing is figuring out what will make you happy and how your career fits into the equation.And remember that what makes you happy one year may not make you happy the next. Its your right to change your mind and change your path. Your family and friends may not understand your decisions, but as long as you do, thats all that matters in the grand scheme of things.This article was originally published on Medium. It has been republished here with permission.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Get your head in the game You. Can. Do. This!

Get your head in the game You. Can. Do. ThisGet your head in the game You. Can. Do. ThisSelf-Assessment Quiz True or FalseI shake sometimes from fear thinking about what to do next in my career.I know what I WANT to do.I know HOW to get what I want.I believe I CAN do whatever needs to be done.One thing I know to be true There is nothing, NOTHING, worse than wanting something but feeling absolutely hopeless about how to get it. Especially when it comes to your career.Whether you want to get your first job so you can move out of your Aunt Gerties basement, earn six figures, own a franchise, or become president of the United States, the fear of not knowing the HOW TO can paralyze you.So, er, um how about you dont departure with the HOW. Start with I CAN instead.If you took the self-assessment quiz above, and you answered TRUE to question 4, youre already primed for success. If not, you arent ready for change. Yep, you heard me right. Your very first step should be to get your head i n the game.Sound too simple to be true? Think of fear as your paralyzing kryptonite and action as your antidote. Action is the antidote to despair. I learned that a long time ago from my good friend, Lisa Nichols.The teeny-weeny act of believing in yourself when you cant, dont know how to, or wont do anything else literally gives you the strength to take the next teeny-weeny step. And then the next one. And the next. Get it? You dont have to figure this all out at once Lord, help us If we tried to do that, wed get NOWHERE really fast. And wed stay stuck there. Now, January has come and gone, its almost December, and youre still feeling stuck. In the same crappy or invisible job. And not understanding why. Its because you didnt believe in yourself, sweetie.You CAN believe in you. You dont need anyones permission to do so. Its free and accessible 24/7.You can do it anytime. Anywhere. As often as you like. Five, six, 600 times a day.Just stop.Close your eyes.Take a deep breath.Hold it. Think, I. CAN. DO. THIS.Exhale.Repeat.Now do it again. And again. And again.You dont even have to know what this is. Just taking one small step towards believing in yourself is sometimes all it takes course correct Try it right now. Throughout this week. Then meet me back here next week. Same time. Same place. Dont forget to bring your I CAN mindset. Youre going to need it. Weve got work to do.Cheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor youve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and living a five-star life can be found

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume Exposed

Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About What Is a titel Letter for a Resume Exposed All About What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume Every time a prospective employer is attempting to sift through hundreds of applications, the cover letter is the very first field of elimination. Make certain that your letter is tailored to the organization youre applying for. Your cover letter will be more effective if youre able to consist of something directly associated with the employers business. Furthermore, its well structured. The Upside to What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume Ultimately, cover letter examples provide the position-seeker the chance to understand what tone to use in writing their application letters. At the saatkorn time that you should understand the fundamental elements of what defines a good cover letter, you wont be burdened by formatting issues or other similar distractions. If you arent customizing your cover letters, youre missing a chance to highlight why yo ud be a very good fit for the position. The main reason for that is, when using the above mentioned letter I didnt receive any results. If you know the critical points of writing a good letter, your chances of succeeding will improve. So its crucial that you communicate to the reader that youre a skilled and respect their time. By the close of the letter, the reader should know that youre a charismatic, insightful expert in your area. When employers want to employ someone, the important point to realize is they dont need to devote all day reading just one resume. In the event the work description lists a name, go on and utilize it. Never divulge the reason youre looking for a new job. There are lots of things you wish to avoid as a company and website owner. In a general, you would like your cover letter to get to the point as fast as possible when leaving the ideal impression on the individual glancing at it. The majority of them provide an image of you as overly forma l or simply informal both of which are bad signs. A static object of paper is trumped by a robust internet presence. So even when you do happen to go hired by the employer, odds are that you wont enjoy the position they put you in. Dont neglect to write which position youre applying for. If youve held a similar position before, now is a great time to say so. So, theres an excellent job position you would like to apply. The letter needs to be brief and information rich in order to be appealing. Instead, the typical content of a cover letter is currently pushed into the on-line forms, or into the email that you send to file your application. Never add contact information you dont use. Cover letters enable you to bring all the info about yourself which you shouldnt include in your resume. When you make an application for a job that you would probably compose a letter to whom it may concern. If you learn to compose a cover letter that displays confidence, you could have ju st found the winning edge that you want to get that new job. The letter has to be tailored to a particular job and business. A cover letter that genuinely draws attention has to coordinate with the job. The Upside to What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume There are surely a lot of examples online, but all of them look the very saatkorn general and boring. Cover letters are an essential introduction to the interview approach. Writing a bidding letter asks a lot of creativity. A cover letter can be the very first thing an employer sees and you wish to be certain you make a great impression. You only have to prepare a productive cover letter if you would like to secure a good job. Today, a superb cover letter isnt a full-page letter. A mediocre cover letter can do more damage than good so make certain your cover letter is in prime shape that will help you land the interview. You should use the covering letter to create a great impression so the employer or recruiter might wa nt to read your CV. Remember you wish to ensure it is simple for them to get in touch with you. What Does What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume Mean? You will likewise be able to grasp the format of the letter. The PQQ letter matters a good deal. A short and snappy letter is a superb option in doing this. A very simple letter with good content is sufficient to convey your message. What You Should Do to Find Out About What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume Before Youre Left Behind In addition, you should know who to deal with your letter to. Honestly, you dont need to explain everything on your letter. The letter should introduce your organization in a precise and expert manner explaining how youre ideal for the tender convincingly. Target A cover letter needs to be tailored to a particular firm. The War Against What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume If you wish to grab a great finance student job then you have to understand how to compose an efficient job application letter. Try to ensure that it isnt merely a list of whats in your CV but is individualised to the work application. A cover letter is a significant part of the work search procedure and supports the resume in promoting your abilities. A work application letter is a letter that you send together with your resume when you submit an application for a specific job.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why Everybody Is Talking About Grammarly Resume Writing...The Simple Truth Revealed

Why Everybody Is Talking About Grammarly Resume Writing...The Simple Truth Revealed The Ugly Secret of Grammarly Resume Writing After a couple of seconds, it underlines grammar mistakes just like the Word. Microsoft Word underlines errors in various colors to indicate the origin of the issue. You might surprising that I admit to using a web-based grammar checker. Then theres the internet edition of Grammarly which you are able to use in editing your Microsoft Word, Excel or Presentation documents on your private computer. If youre like me, you compose plenty of short texts on the web. You only have to concentrate on the ideal content when using the software for editing. Youre able to utilize Grammarly Microsoft bro or an on-line dashboard that operates much like Google Docs. Recruiters and hiring managers want evidence your abilities and experience can be used to address a problem at their organization. When reviewing their previous products, make certain youre seeing demonstrations of their capacity to craft certain resumes for certain people and careers. Only relevant and necessary information should be offered in the resume, as stated by the requirements of the job. A site will give clients the occasion to evaluate your talent. Viewing several samples of resumes connected with your career may give you the help needed. Resume Writing Categories When you look at resume services, you are going to observe that they are available in several diverse categories and youre going to wish to select the right sort for your job search requirements. Resumes ought to be short and concise. Not all resumes are suitable for all kinds of jobs. Perhaps the most typical mistake made by applicants is including an excessive amount of info in their resumeletting it run for a couple of pages. Now its your responsibility to fulfill your professionally written resume. The Downside Risk of Grammarly Resume Writing The very last thing that you want to do in a resume or titelbild letter is to produce your possible employer work harder than necessary to comprehend what you mean. While everyone is able to write, not everyone is able to turn into a writer. Resume isnt a name or titleit doesnt need to get capitalized. By taking the opportunity to compose your resume and cover letter yourself, youre going to be in a position to rapidly and easily remember all the pertinent information an interviewer will ask. The Start of Grammarly Resume Writing Dont forget, your resume is the simplest way for you to receive your foot in the door for a desirable job. Sales managers and recruiters are really busy individuals, and the job of reading resumes is an essential evil on their road to success. Whenever you dont need to constantly check for errors while working, it makes it possible to conserve time and lets you appreciate your writing. That means youll be aware that it is tough to avoid making errors when youre writing in a rush. Job huntin g is a tricky business, because you cant ever understand what one person is likely to love. There are a couple things you have to do. Obviously, whenever youre looking for a resume writing service, dont neglect to follow your gut. You have your own time and youre able to work at home. The Basics of Grammarly Resume Writing That You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Today Basically, a CV can be compared to an enormous database of an individuals achievements. Resume writing services often provide a whole package strategy to resume writing. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional method.